Bachelor's DegreeAn undergraduate degree offered by a college or university upon successful completion of study, which usually takes up to 4 years.
BaguetteA long, thin loaf of bread.
Balance SheetA financial statement that reports on all the company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at specific moments of time. It is used to evaluate companies’ financial health and worth.
BalusterA series of small posts that supports the handrail.
BalustradeA row of balusters to support a railing.
BandwidthA measurement of the amount of data that is transmitted over a network. The higher the network’s bandwidth, the more volume of data can be transmitted.
Base FeeA monthly fee agreed by the hotel management to be earned by the hotel operator.
BasteTo moisten food during cooking to prevent the food from drying out.
BatterA mixture of flour and liquid that is used to bake cakes, breads, pancakes, and other desserts.
BayA space between two architectural structures, such as pillars, columns, or piers.
BeatTo mix an ingredient thoroughly until it is smooth and blended.
Bed and Breakfast InnAn independently owned inn that usually includes breakfast in the room rate and has 20 rooms or less.
Bed TaxA tax charged to travelers who stay overnight in a hotel.
Below The LineFree promotional items sent to the customer, such as printed brochures and direct mail.
BenignA condition where the tumor growth is not cancerous.
BEOAn abbreviation of Banquet Event Order.
Best Available Rate (BAR)A pricing system used by hotels to define a rate based on the demand and availability of a room.
Beta TestA period where a product or service is available to the public for testing before launching it.
Bias CutA piece of fabric that is cut diagonally to create a flattering shape.
Binary FileA file with an extension like “.com” or “exe.”
Biochemistry A branch of science that studies chemical processes within and related to living organisms.
Biological EngineeringA field of study that applies engineering principles to analyze biological systems and develop solutions for biology, medicine, and healthcare.
BiomechanicsThe study of the function, structure and motion of biological systems that are derived from mechanics.
Biomedical EngineeringThe application of biology and engineering principles to solve problems in healthcare and improve the process of diagnosis, treatment, and recovery on all levels.
BiophysicsA branch in biology that applies the theories and methods of physics to understand how biological systems work.
BiopsyA sample of tissue that is taken for testing.
BiotechnologyA field of applied biology that involves the use of living organisms and biological system to develop and make products.
BlanchTo briefly cook a fruit or vegetable in hot, boiling water.
BlastRefers to immature cell development.
Blended LearningA form of education where students learn through a mix of online classes and in-person teaching.
BlesiureRefers to businessmen who combine their business purposes with leisure travel.
Blockchain Developer A software developer who is responsible for creating secure blockchain systems to record and store blockchain data so it is safe from risks and hacks.
Blue Ocean StrategyThe state of a market where there is little to no competition for a new business to take place.
BMIKnown as Body Mass Index. Used to measure body fat in height and weight.
Boardroom SetupA room setup that seats executives at a long table with the CEO at the head of the table.
Book ValueRefers to the original cost of an asset after subtracting the accumulated depreciation.
BookkeepingA method of accounting that involves keeping records of a business' financial transactions.
BootstrappingTo fund a company's operations through personal finances or profit gained only.
Bounce RateRepresents a percentage of visitors who land on your website and leave without clicking on anything else.
BoutiqueHotels of homestays that are historically branded as having a unique style and design.
Box CribA temporary wooden structure used to support heavier objects during construction.
BoxyA design that is square in shape to create a boxy effect.
BPAn abbreviation for blood pressure.
BracketAn architectural element that hangs from a wall to provide decorative or structural support.
BraiseTo cook by browning the food in oil, then gently simmering it over low heat in a pan until it is soft and tender.
Brand IdentityThe personality and characteristics of a brand that makes its brand message and aesthetic that is presented to customers.
Breakout RoomsSmaller rooms connected to the ballroom that can be used by smaller groups.
BrownTo cook food over high heat to brown food.
Building EngineerA professional who provides advice on maintenance, installation, and design on the construction of buildings.
Business ConsultantA person who offers advice to organizations to help them improve their productiveness and efficiency. They also analyze existing practices for weaknesses and create solutions to help the company achieve its goal.
Business Development ExecutiveThe person who is responsible for driving company sales by sourcing new customers, creating new business opportunities, and building a network of prospective clients.
Business ManagementA field of study in Business that is related to the management and organizing of people to accomplish a company's goals.
Business SchoolA graduate institution that offers various study of Business qualifications, such as Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Masters in Business Administration
Business TravelTravel for business, commercial or educational purposes with leisure as a secondary motivation.
Business-to-Business (B2B)A term used to describe companies that sell to other companies.
Business-to-Consumer (B2C)A term used to describe companies that sell to consumers.
Buyer PersonaA description of a fictional person who represents your target audience. This persona usually includes demographic details, interests, purchasing power, and behavioral traits.