Last Minute Gift Ideas For Your Christmas Party 2021

Ever dread the inevitable Christmas party because you hate being a Secret Santa?

Yep, me too.

As a kid, I used to look forward to unwrapping my gifts (I tear the wrappers apart, to be exact). But as a fully-grown adult with multiple Christmas events to attend, I actually have no clue as to what to get for my friends!

And to be honest, I personally thought I was the worst Secret Santa.

It wasn’t until three years ago that I finally had my breakthrough..

My friends and I gathered around the living room for our yearly gift exchange tradition. Underneath the brightly lit Christmas tree were gifts wrapped with colorful papers and ribbons.

The pile, however, is missing a gift from a particular Secret Santa – me.

As everyone opened their gifts (mine was a pair of socks), I sat beside my best friend and told her that I got her something different. Instead of handing her a gift, I told her to check her email.

Her eyes widened with surprise as she read the subject line:

A donation to UNICEF has been made in your name.

Tears brimmed in her eyes as she hugged me tightly.

“Thank you, this is the best gift I’ve ever received.”

That’s when I realized – gifting doesn’t have to be difficult.

All you have to do is gift from the heart – cliché, I know. But wait until you see the glow in someone’s face when your gift is spot-on!

Heartwarming stories aside, I know exactly what you’re here for: Gift ideas.

Let’s cut to the chase.

Perfect Last Minute Christmas Party Gifts 

1) Christmas Party? More Like Pajama Party! 

Pajamas as Christmas party gift. Image source: Pexels

We all need a good sleep after a busy Christmas party.

Pajamas may sound like a boring gift, but homebodies will appreciate them. Trust me, I’m a homebody too.

I have a collection of pajamas gifted by my friends and I LOVE wearing them, especially during weekends!

Fleece pajamas are best for cold rooms, while cotton ones are breathable and suitable for all weathers. You can find them on Amazon.

2) Coffee Lovers Need Their Fix – Even During A Christmas Party 

There is no such thing as too much coffee.

University students and working adults need coffee to energize their post-Christmas party week. A good cup of coffee, however, is enough to keep you up and running on full power!

Coffee is also a unisex gift in case you don’t know who you’re getting it for.

Coffee maker set as Christmas party gift. Image source: Amazon

There are plenty of options for you to choose from based on your budget. If you’re feeling generous, you can get a pour over coffee set. Your coffee-loving friend will enjoy every process of making themselves a cuppa. If you’re on a tight budget, you can get a pack of coffee beans or grounds. They’re less expensive and equally enjoyable!

3) Protect Your Friends From Covid-19 With A Hygiene Kit

Kits with sanitizers, sanitary wipes, and disposable/cloth face masks are everywhere lately!

Your buddy will appreciate the sincerity in your gift – it shows that you care. They come in a variety of designs, but some shops allow you to customize them with cute, funky, or minimalist designs. So, you can pick a gift AND have fun in the process!

Some common options are:

4) Scented Candles For The Best Self-Pampering Sesh 

A Christmas party is incomplete if there isn’t a scented candle safely tucked among the gifts.

Scented candles have such a great way of elevating the mood of the entire room. They come in a large variety of scents with different purposes: Lavender for relaxation; chamomile for better sleep; lemongrass for the calming of nerves, and more!

I highly suggest going to the store to personally pick a candle for your friend instead of ordering online. It’s super fun to smell the different scents before you choose the perfect gift. Who knows, you might buy one for yourself too!

Scented candles as Christmas party gift. 

Image source: Bath and Body Works

Bath and Body Works have tons of candles with plenty of interesting names. Frozen Lake, Midnight Blue Citrus, Champagne Toast, A Thousand Wishes, Open Sky – your friend will be thrilled to find out what they smell like!

5) End A Christmas Party With A Good Skincare Routine 

Women and men deserve self-care in the form of skincare.

Using skincare that works can improve skin complexion and boost confidence. If your friend is hesitant to commit to full-sized tubes of products that may or may not work on them, trial kits are the best way for them to try different ones before going all out.

Products with aloe vera, green tea, or cucumber usually won’t go wrong, unless the user is allergic to the ingredients or have sensitive skin. To know more about skin types, you can check out our skincare article too!

Sephora has plenty of skincare products to choose from. You can find them here.

If they do have allergies or are picky users, it is best to get a gift card instead. This way, they can choose the products themselves!

6) Mugs With Witty Quotes For The Humorous Buddy 

We can never get enough of mugs, especially when they come with witty quotes and pictures!

Christmas party gift as a mug. Image source: Typo

I usually get my mugs from Typo. They have mugs with totally relatable quotes. You’ll get what I mean when you visit their outlets or their online shop!

7) Laptop sleeve 

Now that most of us are back to university or work, and chances are, they’d need to bring their laptop around at some point. A laptop sleeve can provide great convenience, especially when your friend is clumsy. I’ve dropped my laptop once, and it was disastrous. *sobs*

Laptop sleeves now come with all sorts of features – waterproof, cut resistant, lightweight – some even have pockets so you can stuff all your essentials in!

You can find them on:

8) Donate To A Good Cause In The Name Of The Recipient 

Your donation can help greatly, especially animal shelters, underprivileged children, the disabled, and more.

Instead of getting a physical gift that will eventually wear off, you can also donate the allocated gift budget to a meaningful cause. Your friend will be touched by the gesture, adding more warmth to the special Christmas party. You can donate to some of these organizations:

There you have it! I hope you get some useful inspo from this list! In the meantime, here’s some lifestyle articles to explore! 

Jocelyn Cheng

Jocelyn Cheng

Jocelyn Cheng (JC) is an INFP writer seeking to spread inspiration and spark connections through her words. Her dedication to writing has gifted her with an ability to write for multiple platforms (e.g., website, social media, newspaper, magazine, etc) in different fields, namely Education, Travel, and Lifestyle. JC personalizes her works by adding a touch of her own experience into the mix whenever she can to relate to her readers. A self-proclaimed poet and currently a freelance writer, she's working on an untitled poetry book at home while juggling between writing for Eduloco, dancing, and keeping her only plant alive.

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