6 Effective Study Tips to Pass Online Classes During COVID 19

Need some tips to pass your online classes?

You’ve come to the right place!

Ever since the pandemic struck, it has turned our lives upside down. For many students, this means a loss of freedom as they are forced to transition their studies from the bustle of a physical classroom to the seclusion of online learning. If you’re struggling with a lack of motivation or ability to focus, here are some study tips that can help you to pass your online classes!

1) Create a Study Space 

Having your own study space is a good tip to pass online classes.

Our productivity is often associated with the environment we’re in. Do you realize that it’s much easier to study in the peace and quiet of a library than your room at home? 

That’s because we associate each room with a different purpose. When we go to class, our brain automatically switches to ‘study mode’ which puts us in the right headspace to concentrate.  

To get in the right mindset, create a study space of your own where you associate it with your learning. This will help you to focus better and pay attention. Set up the desk with your study materials, notepad, laptop, and everything else you would normally bring to class. You can also add some decorations to personalize the area if that makes you feel more comfortable. Remember to inform your family members or housemates that you’re claiming this space for your studies, so that they won’t intrude in the middle of a pop quiz!

2) Follow a Routine 

Following a daily study routine will help you to pass online classes.

Once you’ve set up your study area, it’s important to establish a routine. We’re all creatures of habit, so it’s easier to maintain a schedule once you’ve gotten used to it. Set aside blocks of time for your studies. Depending on your learning style, you may prefer long study sessions or short, intense bursts with several quick breaks. Add that in with your study time, but most importantly, remember to stick to it! 

If you find yourself entering a motivation slump, here’s an easy trick: reward yourself for achieving daily goals. For example, once you’ve finished two hours of study, give yourself a break with a 15-minute Netflix episode. This builds self-guided study habits, which helps immensely in your study process and in becoming an independent learner.

3) Block Out Distractions 

A tip to pass your online classes is to block out distractions!

It may not be feasible to remove them completely, but you can reduce distractions by applying certain restrictions. Put your phone away from you as far as possible or even better, in another room. The idea is to keep it out of arm’s reach so your first instinct isn’t to grab it and scroll idly during classes.  

You can also use website blockers to control your browsing time on social media or other distractions. Some of these are free, while others may require a one-time payment or subscription fee.  

  • FocusMe 
  • SelfControl 
  • Freedom 
  • Block Site 

This is a simple one, but you’ll be surprised by how productive you can be by using this tip to pass your online classes!

4) Set Small Goals 

Setting small goals is a good tip to pass your online classes!

Once you’ve started your study routine, you want to keep track of your progress. It may be tempting to start by counting the number of hours you spend on your desk, but that isn’t the best way. Set small goals for yourself instead. It can be just finishing one chapter per day or completing a set number of words for an assignment before giving yourself a break.  

This ensures you are actually achieving your study goals, instead of re-reading the same paragraph over and over again. If it comes to that point, do take a break! 

5) Join a Virtual Study Group 

The transition from a busy classroom environment to the isolation of online study can be jarring. But just because you can’t be with your classmates physically, doesn’t mean you are alone in this predicament.  

Group classes is a good tip to pass your online classes together!

If you miss the chatter of friends and find it hard to concentrate by yourself, reach out to your classmates to set up a virtual study group. You can create a WhatsApp group for everyone to join and share your social media to get connected. Some options for free video calls are ZoomFacebook MessengerHouseparty, and Skype 

If you’re new to class, ask the lecturer to see if they can introduce you to study groups or peers who are looking to start one. Your classmates are probably in the same situation as you and will eagerly jump on board. Not only will your classes be more engaging, but this tip helps immensely in passing your online classes through group studies! 

6) Take Care of Yourself 

While you’re studying hard, don’t forget to add in some self-care once in a while! Make yourself a cup of tea, go for a run, and maintain a regular sleeping routine. Self-care routines are just as important as your studies to keep up your physical and mental wellbeing. A clear mind and healthy body lead to peak performance! 

Keep in mind that it’s a challenging time for everyone right now, so don’t be too hard on yourself. Developing new habits take time and practice, so don’t get frustrated with yourself when things move slower than expected. As long as you keep going and use these tips, you’ll be able to pass your online classes for sure! 

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